Thank you for visiting my website, I feel so blessed to do what I love and be able to share it so far and wide.
If there’s one word that inspires and fuels my work it is “Light.”
It’s all about the light.
The sculptures I have been making for the last 15 years are just a simple marriage of glass and wood until the light hits them. Like the stained glass in a church, they come alive, light up and send colour all around. This magical alchemy has held my attention for all these years. These totems of Light reflect the human experience, the body that holds our essence, our light until this light goes out and the body is just a body again.
My choice of colour palette speaks of the extra-ordinariness of nature. The blues of the sea, the sunset colours and the rainbow. It appears again and again, with its perfect sense of wholeness, the awe it inspires and the healing vibration it radiates.
I live by the sea and as I write this I sit on the beach marvelling at the perfect sparkles of sunlight on the waves. It is here that myself and my husband Chris photograph the sculptures often at sunrise and sunset. This place is so key to my story, so much a part of me, reclaimed sea defence timber is the wood used in the sculptures, weathered by the elements, its journey going way back when it too was one day alive in nature far from here. .
My lighting range has been a natural progression of my explorations of light, glass and form. It has brought with it new opportunities to work with other makers and clever people. I love this so much. Everything we make is unique and special, I’m not interested in churning things out or manufacturing to make it quicker and cheaper. I want the Love that is poured in to each creation to be felt and for that to inspire us all to shine our Light out into the world.